Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"you are not allowed to start any more projects"

1. I am grateful that so many friends and family members so willingly pass along the baby items that they are not using anymore. It has saved us hundreds of dollars and it is kind of fun knowing that Gulliver (and, soon, the new baby) is enjoying the toy/bed/clothes that the children of those I love have also enjoyed.

2. I am grateful that Somebody was very, very patient with me tonight as I worked hard to finish yet another project (sadly, it is not yet finished) even though I was neglecting everything around me. He didn't complain at all about having to cook dinner, wash dishes, put the baby to bed, fold laundry, and clean the living room while I furiously sewed and sewed and sewed some more.

3. I am grateful that a temple is being built in Kansas City and that this time next year we will only have a 35 minute drive to the temple. How wonderful!

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