Tuesday, November 30, 2010

all that ends well

1. I am grateful for sleeping babies.

2. I am grateful for a firm knowledge of who I am, who I can become, and the steps I need to take to bridge that gap.

3. I am grateful for examples all around me of the best kind of people this world has to offer. Everyday I see people who do their best, make do with less so that they can give to others, reach out with friendship and goodwill, use their time wisely, showcase creativity and the power of creation, stand courageously in the face of a raging tempest, love without reciprocation, serve without acknowledgement, and diligently try to be a little better every day. I am inspired and awed. I am beyond blessed to be on the receiving end of so much goodness and I only hope that when the roles are reversed I can be and do and exemplify even a small part of what I have been given.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I am so far behind. Congratulations. Your boys are so cute. Boys are the best!!!