The sunflowers were a little droopy when we went over this morning, but I think you still get the idea of how spectacular this sunflower field is.
The two adults in this photo could not agree on which of the admittedly mediocre photos was the best, but I run this blog and so I got to choose which ones to post.

Gulliver was less than thrilled about the trip and refused to show off his winning smile. Also, it is getting very obvious that it is time to give that little boy a little haircut.

It also seems like as good a time as any to just go ahead and mention that I'm pregnant and we are expecting another baby boy in about 10 weeks. I don't know how we are going to wrestle two small things (with smiles, of course) into the sunflower field next year.
CONGRATULATIONS!! I was just thinking how great you look in those pictures and you're pregnant! Like 30 weeks pregnant! I may or may not be a bit jealous... I am so excited for your little family! Oliver will be a great big brother I'm sure. :)
Two can be tricky but it is easier than three. I am still trying to figure that one out.
Love the sunflowers!!
I didn't realize you had just 10 more weeks - I wouldn't have even guess that, you do look great!
I love the pictures with the sunflowers and that you have a tradition of going out there every year - FUN.
Also, before I checked out your blog, I had that song in my head and thought it was really bizarre to see it as your blog post title. Then I realized it was because I used the first five words of the song as my blog post title - crazy.
No way! Congratulations! The sunflower pics are super and I love his hair!
I love the pics!
Amazing pics and congrats! I'm ecstatic for you! Talk about not letting the cat out of the bag for a VERY long time! :)
What beautiful pictures!
And congratulations on baby #2!
Cannot BELIEVE you are 30 weeks pregnant - you look amazing!
Holy Cow! Congrats that is so exciting! 10 weeks left?! Are you having a boy or a girl?
The pictures are way cute! I like Oliver's hair. We grow Camden's hair out every winter so it will keep his head warm (:
Congratulations! Best of luck in the last 10 weeks!
Congrats! How exciting! I really like those pictures. Baby boy #2 is going to have a hard time being any cuter than baby boy #1!
Congratulations! That's the best news! I hope things continue to go well for you and your family. :) Deyce
OK, so you need to post more pictures. Your little one is getting so big!!! Congrats again on number 2!
Cute little red shirt you have on your "not so thrilled" little one.
To hear you were in the same town as me and no shout out! I say Gulliver's photo on Bre and Richard Murdock's blog and KNEW I knew him...and then I saw the group shot! You look great! Drop me a line sometime! Love ya! Julie
Wow. Congratulations!!! I had no idea you were pregnant. Your little boy is absolutely adorable, and now you're going to have another!!!! I'm so happy for you. Good luck!
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